ava has been talking about going to see the loraz for the past month now [ever since she saw the first preview]. last thursday night [march 1] she came running out of our bedroom to remind me that "the lorax comes out tomorrow. can we go?" i reminded her that it would be a school night, and that i'd she'd probably be too tired to go on a friday night. she sighed and said okay.
the next morning we dropped her off to school, and i got to thinking "why not?" if she falls asleep? so be it. so justing and i decided that we would suprise her and take her to dinner and a movie. i left work early so that we good eat before the 6:45 showtime. Ava didsn't suspect anything through dinner. we paid the bill, and then ava started heading to our car. i told her we were going to walk off our dinner, and she just looked at me like i was crazy [some days, i don't blame her :) ]. Anway, she quickly caught on and said "oh i know what we're doing, we going to the movie theatre!" but i was one step ahead and said, "yeah, but just to walk around the theatre, not to see a movie." she looked at me like i was crazy so i said "yeah, the movie theatre will let you walk around inside if it is cold outside, and they give you a special pass." she still didn't believe me so i pulled the final trick as we walked inside and said "did you see us buying any tickets?" she quickly realized we didnt' buy any tickets, so i must being telling the truth. it wasn't until the boy at guest services said, "enjoy the lorax" that she new i was fibbing :) [side note: i had ordered our tickets in adavaince because i was afraid the showtime we wanted would sell out if we didn't, so we had to pick them up inside instead of at the ticket windows outside the theatre.] it was fun to see the surpise and excitement on her face!

the movie was cute and she managed to stay awake for the whole thing. nothing better than a date night with our girl!