First let me say that it is an honor to the matron on honor for the Bestie's upcoming nuptials. She is going to be a gorgeous bride, and is marrying the perfect person for her--my brother-in-law. Justin and I didn't have the --ahem-- traditional wedding, so there was no planning when we said "I do" almost 4 years ago. So I am thrilled to be able to help out so much with Sarah.
The venue is to die for.
Dress shopping with her was an amazing experience.--I can't ruin that surprise :)
My bridesmaid dress is --beautiful--and one I will actually wear again. It is a strapless vineyard dress from Priscilla of Boston--and I will be wearing it "truffle" on July 11, 2009.
Ava is in love with her princess dress, and likes that she can twirl.

We actually made it through the family shower that I threw for her a few weeks ago with out any nasty comments from the MIL and the rest of our disfunctional family (hey, I am only being honest)

But I DESPISE these...

All this stress has made my hives appear on this pale skin, so I am off to chug a delicious and well deserved Dt. Mt. Dew!
we are soul sisters. no question. and those hot-damned label-printing-torture-devices are why i spent an entire summer perfecting my handwriting. now i just handwrite everything. ha! and ava's dress. seriously. if you EVER want to get rid of it, i'll TOTALLY buy it for sophie b. :) and can't wait to see yours and the bride's....i loooooove weddings. ours was chocolate brown with red roses and lime-green greenery. still wouldn't change a thing almost 4 years later.
p.s. i TOTALLY get the whole family thing. my dysfunctional family is probably much MUCH trashier than yours. just last night i was at my dad's house until 11 making sure his crazy-ass-pill-popping ex didn't have him arrested for something made up. and he wasn't wearing a shirt. or shoes. hahahahahhaah!!!!!!! (please don't stop being my pal. hahahah!)
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