Introducing Bat-Girl 2009. I was a cool Mom and after we paid for the costume she got to put it on and walk around Target ;) Such a happy and fun day. It is easy to get wrapped up into the "every day", so it was so nice to just be in the moment with her!
On Friday night I went to see Miss Britney Spears with the bestie. It was so much fun!!! So nice to have a girls night and get to witness the legend in action!
Saturday was Sarah's Birthday, so we had a great dinner and just chilled! I can finally share the Sarah is expecting!! I am sooo excited to be an Auntie, and Ava is thrilled to have a new baby cousin that lives here and not in Ohio! She told Sarah that she would be mad if the baby was a girl, because she really wants a new baby brother! Ha! She doesn't quite understand that boy or girl, she is just going to be a new cousin, not a new sister ;) Baby Emerson will be here in April 2010!
Happy Monday!!
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