My sweet friend
Jax tagged me in a recent post, and i thought it would be a perfect Monday post! First up, 11 things you might not know about me!
1. I am an early bird. "sleeping in" for me is 8AM.
2. I am NOT a morning person. I know that kind of contradicts #1. I do wake up early, but I need time to "wake up". I hit snooze at least twice. Then I take a few minutes to check twitter, facebook, and blogs before getting out of bed.
3. I think salads look so pretty, but have never actually had one. I don't eat lettuce. Or hardly any veggie for that matter.
4. When I was little my dream job was being a lawyer. clearly, that worked out.
5. I get nervous really easily. and it shows -- like blotches on my chest and red cheeks shows. fun times.
6. I have 4 older sisters, 1younger sister, and 2 younger brothers. big ol' family.
7. I'm addicted to burt's bees chapstick.
8. I was in band in high school. all the cool kids were. I was also in choir, played volleyball and basketball.
9. I was a nanny for two years before I moved to Texas from Ohio.
10. I'm obsessed with crime shows. Criminal Minds, all the CSI's, Hawaii 5-0, Snapped, The first 48. um, yes please.
11. I'm a huge book worm. I got a nook for Christmas, and read 9 books during the month of January. yikes.
And here are the questions Jax posted:
1. What is your profession?
I work as a corporate events coordinator in the financing industry.
2. How would you describe your style?
Plain. I stick to the basics and tend to stay in the neutral zone. I do like adding pops of colors with scarfs, and usually stick to buying the current trends for Ava. i joke that i live my style vicariously through her. i think everything is cuter on my skinny blue-eyed blond-haired kiddo :)
3. What one make-up product can you not live without?
I can go without a stitch of makeup on without hesitation, but i canNOT live without my burt's bees.
4. If you could be besties with one celebrity, who would it be?
Reese Witherspoon. hands down.
5. What is your dream vacation?
There are so many places I want to see! I'd love to vacation in Bora Bora or Fiji and stay in one of those huts on the ocean. Beautiful.
6. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Sadly, none. I checkout People and Us Magazine everyday online, and when I travel I usually pick up magazines for the plane.
7. If you could have a special talent {that you don't currently have}, what would it be?
I wish I could dance. SYTYCD makes me realize that there are several people who have more dancing ability in one pinky toe than i do in my entire body.
8. What is your favorite breakfast food?
When I'm trying to make good choices, I love English muffins. When I just go with it, koloches are my favorite.
9. If you could do anything, what is your dream job?
If my options were limitless, I think it would be awesome to be a photographer. obviously, with the talent too :)
10. What is your guilty pleasure?
Anything HGTV related -- but my favorites are House Hunters, Dear Genevieve, Property Brothers, Color Splash, and Design Star.
11. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received, and who gave it to you?
Man, this is a tough one. I've received such good advice from so many people, that I really don't think I can just choose one! Let's be honest, I am a constant work in progress, so I'm always seeking advice and guidance on issues regarding parenting and marriage to what I should wear to a special event. I think I am just lucky to have a few really amazing people in my life to lean on.
Soooo now I get to tag 11 ladies! I'm using the same 11 questions above. No worries if you don't participate! It's all in good fun :)