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Friday, October 26, 2012

anniversary weekend...

have i ever told you that i have a pretty sweet job?  if i lived in a fantasy world, i'd only work a few days a week to get out of the house, but that isn't the reality.  i have to work, and i'm lucky enough to go to a job that i really enjoy.  i'm an event coordinator, and vendors are sweet enough to send their products for me to test out [mainly food & hotels...not a bad deal!]

the new omni here in the big d offered me a room to test, and we decided to use it to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.  brad and sarah's anniversary is 11 days before ours, so we asked them to celebrate with us. [let's be honest, we love spending weekends with them!]

we headed to dallas on saturday afternoon and got all settled in our room with a view.  after getting all fancy, we headed to the tower club where brad and sarah tied the knot 3 years ago. 

7 years...

 3 years...

After dinner we headed to the bar at the hotel for some drinks.  someone [cough-me-cough] had a little too much fun, but it was well worth it.

we slept in the next morning and woke up to a pretty great view...

then it was back to our kiddos and reality :)

i can't imagine celebrating my 7th anniversary with anyone else!

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