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Thursday, August 27, 2009

some people might think she is crazy...

Today Ava went for her 4 year check up with Dr. Townes. Even though we have lived in Richardson for almost 2 years now, we still go see Ava's pediatrician in Duncanville because he is simply amazing. He has been her doctor since she was born, and there is just something reassuring about him checking her out--he just gets her. So i will continue to drive the hour and a half for him to see her.

This appointment was rather interesting. We hadn't see Dr. T since Ava's 3 year old check up ((praise the lord)) and so he was a little shocked to see just how grown up she is! We started the appointment with her nurse, who was so sweet and kind! Ava was weighed ((36 lbs.)) and Nurse E checked to see how much she had grown ((41 1/8 inches)). After that we had her eyes checked ((Right 20/40, Left 20/40)), and then her blood pressure ((98/56)). Then we patiently waited for Dr. Townes!

He came in, and Ava was such a big girl! She answered all his questions, and the conversation went like this:

Dr. T: Hi Ava! How are you?

Ava: I'm good. I'm four you know.

Dr. T: I know, happy birthday!

Ava: Thanks.

Dr. T: I am just going to check your breathing, okay?

Ava: That's fine.

Dr. T: Okay, now i am going to listen to your heart.

Ava: (whispering) Do you hear Jesus?

Dr. T: Yes, I can hear him!

As a side note, let me just tell you that Ava has been in crocodile dock's vacation bible school at her school ---and she has loved it! Every night when i pick her up she lets me know what she has learned. She has been sooo excited about all the great things God can do, and apparently, she takes every word she hears about Him and Jesus seriously.

Everything looked and sounded good, so Dr. T asked if it was okay to go ahead and explain that she was going to have to get some shots . I told him that was fine, and that I had already gave her a heads up last night.

Dr. T: Okay Ava, can I tell you about what is coming next?

Ava: Sure.

Dr. T: Well, today you have to get your immunizations. Do you know what that word means?

Ava: No.

Dr. T: Well, it is a fancy word for shots. You have four that you need to get today. But there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ava: (Fist goes flying into the air as she shouts) NEVER FEAR! GOD IS ALWAYS WITH US.

Seriously, how can you not love this kid? I laughed so hard. I am so proud of her love of learning, and that she is so excited about God and all he does.

She got her shots as she held my hand, and hardly even cried. She got some awesome Bugs Bunny band-aids and a sticker. After that, we headed to McDonald's as her reward for being such a brave little girl.

I am so grateful to be her Momma!


Meredith said...

AHHH! That is the cutest thing I have a read in a long time! She's adorable! :)

jill said...

your child is a better patient than i am!!! ha! so glad she did well. LOVE HER!

annalee said...

that story melts my heart! i love her passion and love!

Jax said...

ohmygosh this is awesome! So cute!!!! :)

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. :) You have an adorable little girl and family...and a great last name! Ha! :)