Before we headed home on Sunday, Sarah treated Brittany & I to pedicures as our thank you for hosting the baby shower :). Miss Ava tagged along, and I planned on letting her get her toes painted. When we got to the salon Sarah noticed they had a little kids pedi chair!! I immediately signed Ava up for her very first pedicure!

Can you see how excited she was?!?!

She was totally cheesin' :)
We picked out our colors --corral for me & green for Ava-- and settled in!

I tried with no sucess to get Ava to choose anything besides the awful green, but she insisted --she wanted green for 'St. Patrick's Day'-- so they added white polkadots!

It was seriously so much fun! I can't wait to go with her again :-)
I'm so sorry for the lack of posts and commenting on all of you fabulous blogs! I have been crazy busy at work, and currently have 119 blogs to read in my google reader. I promise I will make my rounds just as soon as I come up for air :). I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and that you have a fabulous week!
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