it has been a whirlwind past two weeks, and there have definately been times that i thought i might be losing my mind. its just been a little crazy, a little different, and a lot stressful. so i apologize for being MIA for the past week or so! instead of drumming up what has been stressing me out {to be honest, it is a lot of everything, and it would take me forever and a day to attempt to explain it all} i thought i would focus on the things in my life that i am oh so thankful for. pretty fitting for a thankful thursday.
i am so incredibly thankful for my daughter. she makes me get up and get it together on the days that i really would just rather stay in bed. she is the best part of my day.
i am so thankful for my best friend. she is always there to listen and give advice. i trust her to always be honest, and know that she always has my best interest at heart.

i am thankful for my husband. he knows when i am at my breaking point, and takes over on the home front so that i can sneak away some time for just myself, get a massage, and just blow off some steam.

i am thankful for beautiful days like yesterday when it is so georgeous outside, you can help but smile and just be happy!

i'm thankful for my daily ice.cold. pepsi (s), even if they add pounds to my ever expanding waistline.
i am thankful for wonderful showes on T.V.!! {if you aren't watching this, add it to your TiVO -- i promise you won't be sorry!!}
love these! and i'm thankful for YOU friend! love seeing a new post from you ... always puts a smile on my face! :)
You are blessed. :) Thanks so much for your simply sweet comment. You almost made me cry! We ARE going to meet! And hopefully soon!!! Tomorrow's Friday - we almost made it another week!!
First things first, I LOVE that Ava is saying awesomesauce!!!! Second, I have to have a daily pepsi, too! MUST.HAVE.IT. I can sub it for Dr. P sometimes, but I'm never as happy without my pepsi! I get a fountain one every morning and I'm worried my new jobbie wont have a fountain pepsi nearby! (yes, I am really worried about it... haha). Hope you had a great weekend!
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