what.a.week. I have to admit, I am glad that one is over, and that it is Friday.
On Monday, I took little miss for yet another 6-month ear check up (she had bi-lateral tubes put in her ears in April of 2007), and after what I thought would just be another "everything looks good, we will see you in 6 months", I got some not so great news. It seems as though the tube in her right ear as shifted, instead of falling out like it is supposed to. Her ear sealed the hole where the tube once was, sealing the tube in her ear in the process. The tube in her left ear is right at home, and is showing no signs of coming out in the near future. Since they have been in for over 2 years, it is time for them to fall out (most tubes dislodge themselves at the year mark or so.) What does this mean? It means that on July 14th, baby girl will be put to sleep so that Dr. P can go in and remove both tubes. She did great when we had them put in, so I am sure that all will be fine, but still. No Mommy likes the idea of her child to having to be put to sleep. It just plain stinks.
Tuesday was pretty uneventful. Thankyouverymuch.
Wednesday, the storm hit. literally. Ava and I found ourselves sprinting to the clubhouse, as a tornado was reported up the street. We live in a 3rd floor apartment, and I was home with her by myself. My dumbass husband decided to go to the store. Without telling me. During a severe thunderstorm complete with a tornado. So Ava and I hung out with my neighbor...
The storms kept rolling the next morning, which was great during my morning commute. I ride the train into Dallas everyday to save on parking and gas. Usually this is fine. I get to put on my makeup and listen to the ipod and get 30 minutes just to myself everyday. I usually welcome this ride. But NOT when it is storming. See, the trains are electric -- so trains and storms don't really mix. And, it as a MONSOON when i arrived at the station. My trusty umbrella inverted itself as I was getting out of my car. I was soaked head to toe before I even got to the train. Finally, it arrived and I climbed on and secured a seat. jackpot. i began applying my foundation, then, powder, and so on. If was after I finished my face that I realized the train wasn't moving anymore. So we sat. and sat. and sat. Finally the operator informed us that all the signals were out, and they would get us moving in a few short minutes. One hour and forty minutes later, I was one stop away from my office. The wonderful operator came across again to inform us that the train in front of us was having issues, and we would be waiting. again. so i got off and walked the final 3 blocks to work. in flip flops. in the rain. Such a great start to the day!
Moving on to Friday, also known as dumbass day for all those I work with. Finally it was lunch time, and I thought, "Perfect, I can read my blogs!" and that is when all hell broke lose. they.blocked.all.blogs. WHAT.THE.HELL?!?! Now what am I supposed to do at work? Sadly, I am now going to have to wait until the evenings to read all of your wonderful blogs! Such a sad, sad, day.
But, things can only go up from here right? So tomorrow I am celebrating the soon to be Mrs. Emerson with her Bachlorette Party.

We are going to brunch

We will check in to The W in Victory Park

After getting settled in the suite, we are heading to the pool,

Dinner in Uptown

Then to Ghostbar, where serious people-watching will ensue.

And I for one, cant wait. I am so looking forward to a day of relaxing!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
1 comment:
you and i are totally kindred. i can SO see myself on that train surrounded by dumbasses! i hate that it happened, but i must confess that i laughed out loud!!! poor girl!!!!! i hate to hear that miss a has to be put under again! i'm afraid that tubes are right around the corner for us, so i may be asking for some calm-mama tips from you. being calm ain't my strong suit. total BUMMER on the blogs getting blocked! you might try google reader ... i doubt anybody would block google. go to google.com, and then click on reader. you log in with your blogger log-in info, and it will show you all the unread posts from the blogs you follow. definitely handy.
oh. and i'd like to go ahead and invite myself to the bachelorette party. thanks so much. i'm packing right now. :)
hope you have a BLAST this weekend! you totally deserve it!
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