I’ve come to realize that my job...
is crazy. I have a mixed bag of job responsibitlites, and although it can sometimes be a bit crazy I know that it only helps me in the end.
I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving...
I am a nervous reck! I am still ((after 6 years)) not a great driver is rush hour traffic here in the Big D.
I’ve come to realize that I need...
to have more "me" time. I get so stressed out and I just need to remind myself that it is OK to take care of JUST ME every once and a while.
I’ve come to realize that I have lost...
time worrying about things I simply cannot change.
I’ve come to realize that I hate it when...
people say one thing, but really mean something else. I'm not a mind reader!
I’ve come to realize that money...
makes the world go round.
I’ve come to realize that certain people...
will NEVER change.
I’ve come to realize that I’ll always...
consider my "home" to be in Ohio.
I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s)...
get better with age. Don't we all? I remember hating most of my siblings when I was younger, but now they are some of my very best friends.
I’ve come to realize that my mom...
lives way too far away. I miss her sooo much! I am grateful for our long phone convos and our yearly vacations to see each other. still ---she lives just a little too far away ;(
I’ve come to realize that my cell phone...
is a slice of heaven. the iPhone can do nearly everything. My newest obsession is the Tab Tab Revenge 3 app that i just downloaded. ((its like guitar hero for your phone!))
I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning...
I hit the snooze button too many times and ended up missing my alarm. oops.
I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep...
that i LOVE Guliana & Bill--they are so cute together!
I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking...
that I have got to go get my eyes checked. I end up with a horrible head ache at the end of everyday from straining. **sigh**
I’ve come to realize that my dad...
doesn't realize all that he has missed out on. I am lucky to have such a FABULOUS step dad who stepped up to the plate for him.
I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook...
I read all the latest status updates, but forget to check my "notices" until after I logout.
I’ve come to realize that today...
has been a little trying. Hoping that tonight and the rest of the week are not as stressful.
I’ve come to realize that tonight...
i am going to get my favorite bottle of wine and just RELAX.
I’ve come to realize that tomorrow...
is going to be great! Finally getting my hur did by Tyron :)
I’ve come to realize that I really want to...
go on an anniversary trip with the hubs ((we are working on it!))
I’ve come to realize that life...
is complicated and messy---but so worth the ride.
I’ve come to realize that this weekend...
is going to be fun! we have a graduation "roast" to attend, and priss is having her very first sleep -over at a FRIEND's house! ((my baby is growing up :( ))
I’ve come to realize that my friends...
are a constant source of reassurance--both in real life, and here in bloggy world! ((seriously, you girls are so great!))
I’ve come to realize that this year...
is going to be a year of the "FIVES". I turn TWENTY-FIVE in June. Justin and I will celebrate FIVE years of marriage in July. Ava will be FIVE in August. I will celebreate FIVE years at my Company in October. YIKES!
I’ve come to realize that my husband...
is alot wiser and stronger than I realized. He knows me better than I sometimes know myself.
I’ve come to realize that maybe I should...
laugh more and worry less. I doubt this will ever be a reality, but I realize it all the same.
I’ve come to realize that I love...reality tv. kardashians.guliana&bill.bachelor.americanidol.soyouthinkyoucandance.projectrunway. NEED I SAY MORE?
I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand...
too many things to list on this one. that is why I hope to learn something new every single day.
I’ve come to realize my past...
is just that--my past. it has for better or worse shaped who I am today.
I’ve come to realize that parties...
are stressful--if you are the one hosting. This probably sounds like a conflict of interest considering that I am an event coordinator. But in all honesty, THAT should explain why parties stress me out! :)
I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified...
of food. seriously. I think I need to see someone about my phobia. It has definately gotten worse as I have gotten older.
I’ve come to realize that my life...is exactly how it is supposed to be. I am looking forward to the changes that will come my way!