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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

lets just pretend...

That I am not just now posting about our first ever Emerson Thanksgiving!  I suppose this needs a little further discription.  Obviously, we have had many Thanksgiving feasts, but this year the hubs demanded asked if he could make a Thanksgiving feast at our house, and invited his best friend from high school over for lunch, as he is going through a divorce and needed some cheering up.  Reluctantly, I said okay.  See, I am not a huge fan of Thanksgiving food ((please, don't send me any hate mail)), and so I really thought it was a waste of money.  On top of that, I wasn't so sure that the hubs could actually pull it off.  I am here to tell you that i was (gasp) wrong!  It all turned out so wonderful!  We had way a little too much food left over ((justin and I totally argued in the target turkey aisle for a good ten minutes about what size of turkey and ham to get --- he won the arguement, but I ended up being right--we so did not need a 13 lb. turkey and half of a ham for three people!)) , but it was still a great day!  I am actually looking forward to a feast again next year!!

The spread :)

The Turkey, obviously :)

Delicious ham and rolls...double yum.

Meme's dressing.  Justin stayed up until 11:30 making his Meme's famous dressing.  If only I could get him to stay up until 11:30 doing laundry ;)

The proud chef and his bird.

The boys and their full bellies ;)


Sarah said...

Wow, what a man! It all looks so yum!!

And why is that they'll stay up late doing what they WANT to do......??

jill said...

wow!!! that's a lot of food! looks good ... but i'm with you. i'm NOT a fan of thanksgiving food. i'd rather have lasagna and garlic bread any day! i think we ought to get together next year, drink wine, and eat lasagna until we are sick. sounds like a plan!!! :)